In February 2024, the second Volume of the Random Graphs and Complex Networks book series was published. While Volume 1 is aimed at master students in mathematics and related fields, Volume 2 is aimed more towards the research community. This community includes PhD students and researchers, with a mathematical background. Congratulations to Remco on his amazing work!
The book covers recent developments in random graphs theory about the local and global structure of random graphs. It is the first book covering the central notion of local convergence, a method that has had profound consequences in random graph theory. Many properties of random graphs can be understood by linking them to the random graph’s local limit. Further, the book covers global properties, such as the existence of a giant connected component containing a positive proportion of the vertices in the graph, as well as when random graphs are fully connected. Another point of focus are the small-world properties of random graphs. The book closes with an extensive discussion on related random graphs models, discussing models that are directed, have a local or global community structure, or have a geometric structure. The book has some 300 exercises that allow readers to sharpen their familiarity with the topics that are discussed.
The topic of Random Graphs and Complex Networks, and the publication of the book, will be celebrated at EURANDOM on September 2-4, 2024 through a small workshop.